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Update on my back

I went to the neurosurgeon on June 14.  After examining me and looking at my MRI pictures, he concluded that I had a protruded disc between L4 and L5.  He said I could get better without surgery if I could stand some pain for the next few months, with some physical therapy and cortizone injections.  I’ve had one injection so far and the results were almost immediate.  I am now walking without a walker or cane, and I continue to improve each day.  I’ve cut my pain medication way back.  I have resumed my regular preaching and teaching duties, although I still sit on a high stool to get me through.  I am very grateful for the many prayers, cards, calls and words of encouragement. 

The upside of this experience is the education I’ve received through pain that I would not have gotten any other way.  Early on, a church elder told me that God was permitting this for a reason.  I thanked him for his insight, although it really didn’t register on me at the time.  I’m sure there’s more to learn, but I have already had my perspective dramatically changed in many ways.  Some changes involve sympathy, empathy, appreciation for people, time management, and more.  Also, this hiatus gave me time to start this blog, something I probably would have never done, at least as extensive as this. 

As I keep getting better, I’ll let you know.


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