The Job Nobody Can Quit
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People, by the thousands, walk off jobs every day. They cite overwork, underpayment, intolerable conditions, unbearable supervisors, impossible tasks, and a host of other reasons. Quitting poses no special difficulty. You just say, “I’m outta here! I’m history! See you later”, and walk out the door. Contract or courtesy may demand a weeks notice, but that’s all. No one can be held in a job against his or her will.
People quit lots of things. Some quit being a husband, wife or parent. Some quit school, diets, health clubs and political parties. Some quit churches, choirs, Sunday schools, and deacon boards. Pastors quit their ministry, doctors and lawyers quit their practices, coaches quit their teams and donors quit giving. It’s easy. You simply stop.
One job, however, refuses to let you quit. It’s called being an example.
Call it unfair if you want to. Call it oppressive, burdensome, cruel or unjust if you like. Get mad, rant, rave and stomp. Spit, hit, kick and scream. Write letters, lead protests and conduct crusades against it. Make a law forbidding it or pass an amendment to outlaw it. No matter. You are an example to someone, somewhere whether you like it or not. You can never, never, never stop. You may only determine what kind of an example you will be.
Peter said, “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps.” I Peter 2:21. Jesus never forgot this awesome task. He carefully pointed out to his disciples that every action, every decision, every commitment he made had to be copied in their lives, either spiritually or literally. When he was hated, he reminded us that we would be hated too. When he was compelled to carry the cross, he told us we also had a cross. When he did mighty works, he said “These works shall ye do, and greater…” Although we cannot duplicate Calvary , in discipleship Jesus taught, “Follow me”, because we must replicate his example. “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” John 13:15.
If I were to follow you, where would you lead me? If I copied your example, would I be more Christ like or more like the world? You may say, “Don’t watch me,” but I will anyway. You will either teach me how or how not to live.
If you are a good example for others, they will praise you.
If you are a bad example, they will blame you.
Popular philosophy rejects this burden. The modern mind thinks that nothing should dictate to a person his choices, his lifestyles and the fulfillment of his desires. Everyone ought to be free—-free from the imposition of traditional roles by his parents’ generation, free from the immature expectations of his children and free from the confining demands of his friends’ value systems. “I am free to be me”, goes the mantra. Today, no one wants to be shackled with the role of being someone’s example. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
By being irresponsible, you model irresponsibility.
By being a rebel, you model rebellion.
By being materialistic, you model materialism.
Sodom and Gomorrah will forever serve as an example of sin. “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 1:7. Disobedient Israel suffered the same fate. “Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.” I Corinthians 10:6.
Take responsibility for others, as well as yourself.
By being faithful, you model faithfulness.
By being righteousness, you model righteousness.
By being honest, you model honesty.
By being a true disciple, you model discipleship.
It is inescapable. It is one job you cannot quit.
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