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A Note about My Recent Posts

SOME OF THE REGULAR VISITORS to my blog may have noticed I have posted a piece every day for the last six months.  It’s been quite an undertaking. While a number of these posts were spontaneous, most of them were redo’s from my sermons and Bible studies from the past.  

My long-range goal is to compile all of these articles into at least two books (possible four) specifically designed to encourage, instruct and otherwise help Spirit-filled Christians progress in their discipleship. Each chapter will be stand-alone, short, targeted, and, I hope, inspirational.  Most busy people don’t have or won’t take the time to read a whole book, but they might read a short chapter of 1-2 pages when they wake up in the morning or before they go to sleep at night.

In order to maintain these parameters, I have sacrificed thoroughness for brevity. I would love to have exhausted each subject with more paragraphs to clarify, enhance, and maybe bloviate a little. If you feel I have given short shrift to a subject, or that I hastened to a conclusion too fast, you’re probably right.  Please forgive me and chalk it up to my insistence on holding to my purpose.  Today’s readers have much different habits and reasons for reading than those of yesterday. It would serve no purpose for me to write for a class of readers who no longer exist.  

I hope this explanation will help you understand what I have been doing.  If I can strengthen and encourage some struggling disciple, I will be very satisfied. 

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Reader Comments (1)

'Sail on', Captain. I'm praying for this endeavor. The Lord Jesus give you His wisdom in doing this, AMEN!!

May 24, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterSydney Heimericks

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