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A small note on my back...

I went in for my third cortizone shot Wednesday, July 25.  After interviewing me and manipulating my spine, the good doctor said I didn’t need the shot at this time, if ever.  He said to give the office a call in three or four months if I felt the pain flaring up again.  Otherwise, I was good to go.  I still experience twinges of pain from time to time, depending on my movement, but nothing  like the debilitating pain that I had at the beginning.  This is wonderful news.  I am a few phyisical therapy sessions and exercise repetitions away from my first swing of a Taylor made 360 cc driver since May 8, 2007.  Other than winter months, this is a record stretch of golf abstinence for me!  Pray, saints, pray.  If it weren’t for that grandbaby, I don’t think I would have made it.  I love you all.

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