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« Re-Imagining Church (Part One) | Main | Seven Secrets of Healthy Churches »

Re-Imagining Church (Part Two)

Re-Imagine: <v> rê-i-mãg'-ine; to imagine over again; to re-create; to think of something that is as though it never was and breathe new life and form into it.

You are now one of them…an early disciple…You float down from the upper room…on mission: the task of organizing the pilot worship service. You have no precedent, no past forms, no “cheat sheets” to go by. Just…put an event together that will inspire , instruct and “ awesomize ” the church and evangelize the community at the same time…that’s it… a blank slate in front of you…no sacred cows…nothing between you and getting the job done as it needs to be done.

That’s where we are tonight…think of who you are…think of what you have in Christ…of what you know about the Bible…now get the creative juices flowing and design…make a worship service that will have total relevance for today’s generation of believers…(number one)…plus make it share the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not yet come to a saving knowledge of him.

There are a few requirements. First, you must love God and be a believer in Jesus. You must want to be fully committed to participate in whatever the end result will be. You must envision yourself as a worshipper, a singer, a player, a promoter and an enthusiast for Jesus and his church. The half-hearted and non-committed can not be an effective dreamer and planner in a re-imagined church any more than a total geek would be comfortable in coaching an NFL football team in a play-off game; or a football jock would fit in at a quilting bee.

Second, this is not a session to reform Apostolic doctrine, modesty requirements of the Scriptures or the structure of the church. These areas are off the table. Our message is based in truth, therefore it cannot change, even though some may want it to. The focus of our efforts tonight must be upon the “software” of the church, the flexible components of church services and activities that each generation crafts to meet its own tastes, preferences and styles.

Guidelines for Re-Imagine Discussions

Divide the attendees into smaller groups of four to five and appoint a moderator within each group.  Assign one or two topics to each group and give them thirty minutes to conduct a discussion.  After the separate sessions, come back together as a whole and permit each moderator to report on the conclusions of each sub-group.  Discuss each report with the entire group, permitting objections and further input. It is possible that more or different topics should be discussed which may be more pertinent to the group than the ones suggested below.  Tweak the list according to the specific needs of the congregation.   Do this as long or as often as necessary to cover all the topics.  The atmosphere should be informal.  Serve refreshments. 

1. What? Without undue criticism, what would you change about present worship services and why?
2. Why? If you have not been a strong participant in present services and worship times, why not and how do you propose to change this?
3. How? What general principles do you think should be followed to relate to this generation?
4. What for? What should be the purpose of a church service and what would be the best way to achieve this?
5. Who? What kind of person(s) is best suited to organize, lead and/or participate in a newly designed service?
6. Whom? What kind of a service would you be comfortable in inviting friends to attend?
7. Name it. What should we name this service?
8. Who again? What should be the advertised, published identity of the new service (and the truths we believe)?

Re-Imagining Church

How should we re-imagine the worship service?
How should we re-imagine corporate prayer?
How should we re-imagine instrumental music and vocals?
How should we re-imagine the choir?
How should we re-imagine the offering?
How should we re-imagine announcements?
How should we re-imagine preaching or teaching of the Bible?
How should we re-imagine sharing the Word or testimonies?
How should we re-imagine platform placement of leaders, participants, furniture?
How should we re-imagine the order of service?
How should we re-imagine uniforms?
How should we re-imagine the altar invitation?
How should we re-imagine times, days, special services?
How should we re-imagine greeting, addressing people in authority?
How should we re-imagine the version of the Bible used in church?
How should we re-imagine ushering, greeting, hospitality ministries?
How should we re-imagine advertisements, bulletins, posters, tracts?
How should we re-imagine video presentations, slides, DVD ’s?
How should we re-imagine specific outreach and follow-up for the service?
How should we re-imagine the name or title given to the service?


What logistical problems do you see in having two services?

a. Altar services.
b. Special speakers.
c. Transition between the two services.
d. Families who ride together.

How will we handle the two music programs?

Will separation between two congregations have an impact on our sense of community?

Will smaller congregations have a negative impact on each service?

What other problems do you foresee in this arrangement?

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