Disciple. Husband. Father. Reader. Writer. Pastor.
From a conservative background with midwestern values, I sometimes get in over my head in analytical thought, both serious and lightweight writing, and word craft. I could not be more blessed with a fabulous family and remarkable congregation. I confess that there are many weeks when I experience great embarrassment in getting a paycheck because no one should remunerated for something he or she enjoys so much. (There are those weeks, however, when they don't pay me nearly enough for what I do.)
I'm on way too many boards and committees. Some of my verse painting feeds on these involvements. But God gives more grace.
Crazy thoughts bother me. Like...is it an elevator if it's going down? How can people who don't believe in a Creator use the word "creature?" Shouldn't they say, "evoluture?" Or, what if there were no hypothetical questions? I laugh out loud at things like..."one wheel short of a unicycle." I know. I know. My kids say the same thing.
Enjoy. Read. Wonder. Disagree. Criticize. Be stimulated in heart and mind. Forgive me. Love us all.