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A Room for Baby!

One of the most exciting and challenging tasks that any family faces when expecting a new baby is setting up the nursery. Most new parents have limitations when it comes to both budget and space. Therefore, it is important to prioritize to ensure a safe and usable environment for your new baby.  Some families have the luxury of being able to dedicate a whole room to the new baby; others may have to consider allowing the baby to share with other children in the family.

Nursery Remodeling

Alternatively, you could remodel your existing space to accommodate your new baby. Many home improvements can be carried out with minimal disruption to the rest of the family.  Most families expecting a new baby, however, have to compromise and make the most of whatever space is available. So, here are a few things that can make your first few months a whole lot easier:

  • Ensure that you have a dedicated space for changing and washing your new baby. Some changing units incorporate a bath and storage facilities; these are great space savers and are reasonably priced.
  • Invest in a diaper pail that can be placed next to the changing unit. This will save you having to carry dirty diapers out of the house each time you’re at the changing table.
  • Purchase a portable mobile or toy that can be clipped on to any available curtain, rack or hook, so that your new baby can remain entertained wherever s/he goes.
  • Consider using plastic “stacker boxes” rather than traditional storage for bedding and clothes. These are not only cheaper, but also are easier to clean, are mobile and can change their function as your baby grows.

A new baby may appear to require an endless stream of gadgets and space. In reality, a few simple basics and a lot of TLC is all your new baby really requires. Enjoy!

So…what do you really need?  Freshly painted walls…new carpet…a crib with soft blankets and pillows…  A chest of drawers…stuffed animals…a colorful mobile…playful pictures…  Storage for clothes and diapers…

A Room for Baby!

How should you decorate the nursery for your baby?

Color it bright. Cheer, smiles, laughter, praise, songs, love.

Plenty of light. Truth, right teaching, God’s Word, example.

A changing place. Discipline, correction, forgiveness,

A fuzzy face. Comfort, playfulness, fun, toys, good times.

Sleeping space. Rest, safety, peace, protection, health.

Saying grace. Prayer, good stories, faith expressed, reverence for God.

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