Expensive Love
Monday, May 28, 2007 at 04:04PM
J. Mark Jordan in VersePainting

Expensive Love

You have to bleed.
It’s worth nothing, unless you bleed.
Without a wound, you cannot bleed.
Without a cut, there is no wound.
Without the sword, there is no cut.
Without a risk, no sword can reach you.
You have to bleed. Scars rule.

Smooth gets admired,
But love flows to the scarred.
It’s because those who love, bleed.
And love will always find her own.

You have to bleed,
But you may not.
You may choose to avoid the pain.
You may keep yourself safely distant from the sword.
Cleverness may outmaneuver all risks, preserving itself.
In so doing, it foregoes love.

So, when you find something you love,
When you get something you will not do without,
Bleed for it.
Face the sword.
Stand out there and risk it all.
Bleed. It’s the price love places upon itself.

Article originally appeared on ThoughtShades (http://www.jmarkjordan.com/).
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