Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 06:54PM
J. Mark Jordan


We have now been trained to practice social distancing, handwashing, putting our hands to our faces, etc.  These behaviors have been burned into our collective conscience and have become mandatory routines in our homes, offices and factories.

The general public will turn into major germophobes.  We will be much more careful when entering or using public buildings, fitness centers, playgrounds, restrooms and entertainment establishments.  We will complain loudly when we see any sign of neglect of good hygiene practices in these places.  Proprietors beware!

We will begin watching health care services like a hawk regarding their treatment and practices.  Hospitals, nursing homes, physical therapy centers, doctor’s offices and clinics attract sick people and we are now acutely aware of contagious diseases. 

Schools, day care facilities, dance studios, martial arts establishments and the like will need to greatly increase their attention to cleanliness, use of disinfectants and rules of hygiene.  We will no longer dismiss carelessness or sloppiness in these matters.  

We will cherish our family and loved ones because we found out how painful separation can be.  This will lead to more family time and extended family get-togethers.


Americans will begin saving as much as they can of their earned income.  The feel of having your income cut off has been a harrowing experience and it will leave a lasting impression.

We will begin stockpiling certain staple foods, goods and commodities in case of shortages or barren marketplace shelves. 

We will exercise more care in buying items, especially big-ticket goods.  We now know how expensive cheap items can be when they break down.

Businesses that went through major upheavals, loss of revenue or loss of customers will be more conscious of quality of product and customer service than before. 


We now know that the church can survive a quarantine or lockdown.  It resembles the practice of Jesus when He told people not to tell anyone about His miracles.  He knew they were all the more apt to spread the news.  When the authorities told us not to assemble for service, it only increased our desire to join with our brothers and sisters in worship and celebration.

The church will become less building-centric and more willing to operate in different venues of outreach and ministry.  We will focus more on people rather than brick-and-mortar edifices.  This will change much of the vision for church growth that served us well in the past but will force us to adapt to the changing context of actual, pragmatic ministry in the future. 

The past reliance on crowd-moving performances, special effects, and the excitement of large gatherings will be replaced by a newer, more down-to-earth, authentic appeal in reaching people and making disciples.  We will not be in as much control over the delivery milieu, but we will learn to pack much more into the content of our message.  It will be much the same as the preference of one-on-one tutoring over the classroom lecture method.

Although the emphasis on activity in the building will lessen, it will not stop.  People will continue to need the human touch and the warmth of fellowship.  It affirms us, encourages us and inspires us.  We will just learn to manage it and not overemphasize it to the detriment of the church’s mission.   

We will allocate our resources in more missional endeavors rather than in building and grounds aesthetics.  Nice, comfortable, versatile and utilitarian will be favored over opulent, ornate and triumphs of architecture.  This will advance people ministry rather than steeple ministry.

The church will learn to decentralize ministry so that more discipleship will flourish in homes and private venues rather than by professional clergy in corporate settings.  People will learn to pray, study, engage in the helping ministry in their family and private lives instead of exclusively in the church building.  This will not diminish the authority of the anointed ministry, but it will expand and expedite practical ministry. 

These prognostications may not materialize in the exact way as I have thought, but I do believe that they are directionally correct if not true in every detail.  Add or subtract to this as you see fit. 

Article originally appeared on ThoughtShades (
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