Tweaks for Preachers
Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 02:43PM
J. Mark Jordan
Preach faith, not frustrations.
Never obsess on one individual in the congregation.
The Word is food, not weaponry.
Pull, don’t push.
Beating down a door is a criminal act.
Questions are not threats.
100% success is not possible.
People do love you. Love them back.
Not everyone who responds cheers.
A cheer leader succeeds if the audience cheers, if that’s all you want.
You may be full-time, but your people are not.
Don’t force everyone into the same mold.
Not every fight is a good fight.
In the church, silence does not give consent.
You get what you preach.
Training is the hardest, but most rewarding work.
Talk to children if you want vibrancy.
Talk to young people if you want to know what’s going on.
Talk to working people if you want to know about stressors.
Talk only to a few elites if you want to be warped.
Talk to the elderly if you want to know truth.
Talk to your family if you want to know what others are thinking.
Talk to nobody if you want to shrink into irrelevance.
Talk to God if you want direction.
People change through education, not sensation.
Make form follow function.
The seeds of truth need the preparation of the plow.
Diversity for diversity’s sake is demeaning.
Lead people to God; don’t become their god.
Don’t blink. Nothing is NOT happening.
Leadership is largely optics.
To love is not only to feel, but to act.
You cannot say yes to something without saying no to something else.
Inspiration is a quivering mass of protoplasm unless you have a skeletal structure.
The will of God most often guts the will of man.
Leadership needs consensus, but often forgoes companionship.
Article originally appeared on ThoughtShades (
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