(This is the next chapter in the book Hand in Hand: Deepening Your Relationship with Jesus Christ.)
Consider your conversion to Christ as an extreme makeover. You no longer define yourself as a self-determining individual who lives for selfish purposes alone. A new set of conditions govern your life that give you a radically different role from your former identity. You now answer to the role of a servant, although servanthood subsists in diverse manifestations. A singer in the master’s employ is essentially the same as the cook; the treasurer is no different than the chauffeur; the executive at a religious organization’s headquarters building is equal to the janitor who cleans the restrooms in the same building. As a servant, you function according to the master’s will, regardless of any particular task to which you are assigned.
Your Ministry Is Not Your Ministry
No one has to be taught selfishness; as a consequence of the fall, it is built into Adam’s progeny. As children, we tend toward possessiveness. We learn the word “mine” quickly. As adults we tend toward gatherers, proprietors, and owners. We mark off territories, establish seniority and claim finder’s privileges. We threaten to destroy interlopers who disregard our self-proclaimed rights.
Many leaders mistakenly assert these dubious claims on “their ministry,” as though they were independent agents acting on their own. But the servant is not greater than his Lord. All of us are interchangeable parts. When you tighten your grip around the role you play, you bend its outcome to serve yourself, not your Lord. To illustrate, think of a play in which an actor plays the role of a king. Backstage, during the performance, or after the play is over, the other actors do not think of him as a king. He is just one of them playing a role. Neither do we assume an attitude of self-importance because of our ministry, notwithstanding the honor that we give to elders or the basic respect we owe to each other. For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Romans 12:3-5.
Your Ministry Is to Serve the Kingdom
If you want a picture of servant leadership, I would venture this: Consider the ladder. The modest, unassuming ladder is an ideal picture of the servant leader. Call it “servant laddership.”
Your Ministry Must Advance God’s Kingdom
In executing your ministry, opportunities arise that seem harmless at first, but can propel you in the wrong direction. It is possible for you to focus on goals that are only collateral benefits of a gifted ministry, like fame, money and prestige. Instead of advancing the Kingdom of God, you may become more interested in advancing your own kingdom.
Absalom was David’s charismatic son, capable of charming people and winning their loyalty. He should have supported his father’s administration, but he used his talents for personal gain. At the city’s gate, he stole the affection of the people away from King David, and fomented a rebellion against his own father. His legacy fell far short of a revered conqueror. He is remembered as a usurper, an ego-maniac whose narcissistic ways devastated David and led to his own tragic death. Such is the profile of a man who lost sight of righteousness because he was blinded by self-love.
Those who excel in the performing arts often contend with this temptation. The spotlight turns into a seductive mistress when their talents attract the attention of fans. Gradually, the focus of their performance can shift from worship of God to exaltation of self. Giftedness needs to be consecrated to God or else one’s blessing becomes a curse.